Help for Excessive Meowing Cat Behavior
Cat Behavior Clinic

Schedule with Cat Behaviorist and New York Times Acclaimed Feline Behavior Science Author, Mieshelle Nagelschneider.

Hallmark Channel Home and Family Show with The Cat Whisperer 2 | Mieshelle Nagelschneider | Cat Behaviorist

Think You’ve Tried Everything?

Meowing at Night and Daytime Meowing or Excessive Nighttime Activity are Solvable Cat Behavior Issues (all with a Zoom video appointment)

Our doctor is covered under many pet health insurance plans (cat consultants or trainers typically are not covered).

Cats-exclusively and 33 Years of Scientifically Observing and Analyzing Feline Gene-encoded Behavior From a Behavioral Cognitive, Ethological, and Feline Evolutionary Point of View

Oxford-trained Cat Behaviorist and Veterinarian 33 Years in Practice in Over 30 Countries with More Cat Owners Purring Than Anyone.  Read 350 Solved Case Study Reviews and Client Testimonials.


We wrote the required textbook to certify other cat experts you see online today

For over three decades, the clinic has solved excessive or nighttime meowing for cat owners that have already tried numerous avenues to address the issue themselves or with their veterinarian.  Our certified cat behaviorist studied animal behavior at Oxford University, and The University of Edinburgh – The Royal School of Veterinary Studies.  You can also read more about her behavior study at Harvard University that has enabled her to help cat owners think more scientifically about their cat’s behavior.

Gene-encoded Cat Vocalization Behavior – What’s Normal and What’s Not

“Thank you, thank you!  It was the best one hour of my life talking with you about Simon’s nighttime yowling.  Not only did he stop the 4 years of yowling in 3 days, but I now feel like I understand him better and he is a also a happier cat.  My co-workers say I’m easier going too now that I’m getting adequate hours of sleep! My only regret is not consulting with you sooner.  Your knowledge is invaluable and the cat community is lucky to have you!  Thank you again for all that you do.  Nancy S.  United States – Phone Consultation.

Image of Kitten on a Blue Towel | Mieshelle Nagelschneider | Cat Behaviorist

Mieshelle’s Scholarly-cited Cat Behavior Science Book is Text Book Curriculum to Certify Other Cat Behaviorists and Help Them Understand Excessive Vocalization Issues in Cats.

Cartoon Image of Mieshelle Nagelschneider 2 | Cat Behaviorist

Why Our Clients Have Success with Our Comprehensive Feline Cognition Behavior Wellness Program for the Very Complex Cat Meowing Issue

  • Our veterinarian and cat behaviorist team provide behavior plans based on animal psychology and applied behavior analysis which translates to behavior plans that can effectively solve complex cat vocalization issues long term. 
  • Analyzing animal behavior using a variety of scientific observation and recording strategies is important.  Before preparing a behavior treatment plan to change or eliminate the behavior, the behavior must be fully understood.
  • A working hypothesis if often in place for certain vocalization issues.
  • Depending on your cat, certain strategies that involve sensitization and habituation may be applied to end the meowing behavior no matter when it’s occurring.
  • Associative learning can be an important part of your cat’s behavior plan depending on why the meowing behavior is occurring.
  • Classical conditioning strategies can also be an important component to ending the meowing behavior.
  • Addressing possible social learning in the cat’s environment that needs to be addressed to stop the meowing behavior.
  • Self-rewarding behavior is often a part of the problem (it just feels good to meow) and as part of the behavior plan, will become extinguished.
  • You will understand how the cat’s brain functions for the meowing issue and how memory relates to the learning process that may have formed the meowing behavior and what steps need to take place surrounding memory to end the meowing behavior.
  • Behavior plans are progressive and develop during the 4 week evaluation program period and the clinic provides follow-up at no charge during this time.

Mieshelle Nagelschneider with Veterinarian 7 | Mieshelle Nagelschneider | Cat Behaviorist

End Your Cat’s Meowing Behavior with Intelligent Solutions Based on Scientific Research on the Behavior and Cognition of Felids.

Some cat owners are simply dumbfounded that their cat can consistently beat a 5:30 a.m. alarm clock by meowing at 5:28 a.m.  Did you know that thousands of cat owners are dealing with meowing and excessive activity between 3 and 6 a.m. in the morning (or all night long) just like you?  There are several reasons that can cause this behavior, but all can be remedied with a treatment plan addressing crepuscular felid behavior.  Read 350 Solved Case Study Reviews and Client Testimonials. 

Founder and director of The Cat Behavior Clinic, Mieshelle Nagelschneider who is the recipient of the Golden Purr Award for her contribution to the study of cat behavior with her scholarly-cited book (Random House), is also an acclaimed New York Times feline behavior science author and long time cat behaviorist for National Geographic documentaries and published works for the 37 species of wildcats including domestic cats and wildcat hybrids.  Since 1999, Mieshelle has helped thousands of cat owners get a good night’s sleep in over 30 countries.

Image of a Ginger Cat on a Grey Surface | Image of Kitten on a Blue Surface | Cat Behaviorist | Mieshelle Nagelschneider
Ajax’s owner gets a good night’s rest the evening of his first Skype consultation with the clinic.  Excessive feline vocalization/activity during night time and early a.m. is an 8 week behavior program and with a behavior plan that develops over time for the owner to follow.

During a consultation you’ll learn the importance of your cat’s evolutionary biology, and external and internal factors that are most likely the instigating factor for your cat’s behavior (which is not a misbehavior).  We’ve handled many cases where the cat owner had not had a good night’s sleep in 8 years and others that were about to be evicted because of their cats’ non-stop or early morning meowing.  We can show you just what to do — and what not to do with a progressive behavior plan based on scientific animal behavior methods.  Typically our clients send success reports within 2 weeks of implementing the behavior plan, and usually will have a good night’s sleep the first week. Read about our outstanding clinic success rate. 

During your phone, video, or in-person consultation program with the clinic, you will learn the latest on excessive vocalization and the feline stress response system.  Your cat may have this very common behavior issue that you probably didn’t realize has turned into a complex problem.  Once solved, you will get a good night’s sleep, and may then join our client testimonial list (well-rested clients, that is!). 

Mieshelle Nagelschneider with a two Kittens and a Little Girl and a Veterinarian 5 | Mieshelle Nagelschneider | Cat Behaviorist

2019 Phone/Skype Consult Testimonials:  The use of (behavior plan removed) so far, don’t want to jinx it, is miraculous. I (behavior plan removed) the night after we Skyped. He didn’t bother me again that night or the next. I had to do it 2 more times since (different nights), but it was equally effective, I still love him up (maybe more than before) but it doesn’t involve “face play” and is generally done when I am not in bed.  Alan W.  New York, New York.

Mieshelle has lectured at the international level to veterinarians, the Humane Society/SPCA on this very common, yet very complex, behavior issue.  Schedule online or call 1-503-267-8888.

2019 Meowing testimonial:  Week One – “Moe’s excessive vocalization has decreased quite a bit. She now regularly sleeps through the night (or occasionally has one outburst, which is still a huge decrease from before). Her meowing frequency during the day has also decreased. We can now leave the room without her meowing.” Deborah R. Washington DC – Phone Consultation

Solved meowing testimonial:  Well, the cat is no longer waking me up at night.  As you know my doctor advised me to re-home this cat because of my condition, so all I can do is say thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I am happier now at age 65 than I ever have been.  Scheduling with you was a smart move and I hope this testimonial gives your clients the encouragement they need to schedule with you.  I will be in touch to schedule a phone follow-up in approx. 4 weeks.  Also, today I actually had the energy to play tennis for the first time in 9 months.   Regards to you, Robert – Laguna Beach, California.

Cat Waking You Up in Middle of the Night Meowing:  Not getting enough sleep because your cat wakes you up with meowing or yowling all night long or between 3 and 5 a.m?

The 11 Most Common Reasons Cats Meow at Night or At Other Times in Descending Order of Likelihood: 

Let our behaviorist help you and your cat with an issue that you probably didn’t realize had turned into a complex one where cookie cutter or internet advice isn’t appropriate.  Excessive vocalization can be a simple issue, but manifest into several issues rolled into one with many interdependent variables (anyone for a game of chess?). This happens to be one of Mieshelle’s most favorite consultations that she conducts by phone or a video call over the 8 weeks she will be working with you. Cat owners most often see profound results within one to two weeks into the behavior plan and finally begin getting a good night’s rest.

Besides health issues, the situations leading to excessive vocalization, in approximate, descending order of likelihood, are (and it’s common for there to be more than one instigating factor and over time your cat can develop secondary behavior issues which is why you will need a behaviorist to solve the issue):

1. The cat’s hunting clock is set for morning instead of evening (this can be the initial reason, but may not be why the behavior is still occurring)

2. Separation anxiety (SAS)

3. You’ve trained your cat to meow to get what he wants (we see this in about 60% of our cases as part of the issue)

4. Change in environment (e.g., after moving, or adding new pet or person)

5. Change in schedule (yours or your cat’s)

6. Loss of family member

7. Pent-up energy or motor pattern sequences needing to be released or exhausted (mundane or stressful environment)

8. Hunger or diet change

9. Meowing has become a self-rewarding habit and just feels good

10. Certain cats are naturally more vocal than others, but there is still ways to improve this

11. Talkative owners may have more talkative cats, but there is help for this also

Again, often we find that at least one of these instigating factors are at play and secondary behavior issues often develop (as in a habit, ritualistic, or self rewarding behavior). 

More Cat Meowing Issues Solved With a Phone or Video Consultation:

Everything is going great as of the very first night (literally 9 hours after our consultation).  I can’t believe we waited so long to contact you and I’m surprised there are not more trained cat professionals that actually have the expertise to handle this issue.  Your knowledge saved our family and we can not thank you enough. My friends are telling me I look 10 years younger with all the sleep I’ve been getting lately.  That alone is priceless!  Thanks again, Julie M.  New York, NYC – Phone Consultation.

Tiffy (behavior information removed) and she sleeps and best of all, so do we. Please tell your clients about this. This has given us our life back. I have 15 min. left.  I will save it for now.  Thank you, Deb. S. Lakeland, Florida – Phone Consultation.

Thank you, Mieshelle!  I didn’t think Oliver’s incessant meowing issue could be fixed, but I see now, thankfully, why you are the cat behaviorist and I am not!  If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know.  We are a peaceful and happy family once again!  God Bless, Tim S.  Tampa, Florida – Phone Consultation.

Thank you Cat Behavior Clinic!  After the phone consultation I had the best night sleep I’ve had in 4 years.  I haven’t even implemented all the strategies yet, so I am beyond thrilled. Everyone is now happy in this home thanks to you.  We will touch base in 2 weeks. All the best, George M.  New York, NY – Phone Consultation.

Hi Mieshelle,   Thank you so much.  I used just one strategy so far and I actually had to wake him up this morning instead of him waking me up at 4:00 a.m.  I will add the other strategies if needed, but so far, that (behavior advice removed) worked overnight exactly like you thought it would and to think I’ve lived with no sleep for 3 years! I feel like I understand Henry better now and cats in general.  Your knowledge is priceless and you have give me my life back.  Best Wishes.  Susan B.  New York, NY – Phone Consultation.

Mieshelle, The meowing at night has ceased. So has the excessive grooming. Ziggy is obsessed with (behavior advice removed). Rosemary A.  Berwyn, Pennsylvania – Phone Consultation.

Kitty behaviour update — Scooter has been behaving the last 3 weeks, no yowling.  Sarah K.  Squamish, BC, Canada – Phone Consultation.

Is your cat driving you crazy? Cat yowling and excessive meowing can do that.

Mieshelle says. “The excessive-meowing consult has become my favorite over the years because I can so profoundly change the lives of the cat owner and the cat. Finally able to get some rest, they say I’ve added ten years to their lives, helped them to keep their apartments (and their jobs, now that they’re no longer so sleep deprived that they can’t function), and even saved their marriages.”

Again, there are many possible reasons why your cat could be meowing (or yowling – making an even louder and more insistent sound) excessively or at inappropriate times. The Original Cause might be a medical issue. I’ve seen quite a few diabetic cats who ate continually yet were still hungry: I’m eating and it’s not working!  Meeeeow…!

Having a behavior consultation for meowing behavior can be particularly important because there may be things occurring in the home that are causing your cat physical or mental distress leading to the excessive vocalization.  You’d be surprised at some of these.

Book a consultation now for your cat’s customized treatment plan and get relief from all that vocalization before the problem becomes worse.

Frequently Asked Questions

All cat behavior solutions must take into consideration feline instincts and their evolutionary biology. The clinic has exclusive rights to Mieshelle Nagelschneider’s proprietary Cat Whisperer™ consulting, easy-to-implement C.A.T. Plan™ positive behavior modification, the most effective, comprehensive, and up-to-date system for curing any cat behavior problem.

Because every cat and environment is different, the plan allows for customized behavior techniques and environmental changes when needed – because cat behavior is not one-size-fits-all. Mieshelle has spent 20 years developing a method so effective that when clients follow it, their success rate is well over 90% (even higher for the most common issues).

Her science-based cat behavior book, The Cat Whisperer, has been featured in the New York Times and a best-seller on Amazon and published in 4 languages (Random House Publishing with co-writer Cameron Powell).

For cat behaviorists seeking certification, her book is a required curriculum by a number of cat behaviorist certifying organizations.

Love is born of mystery, and our cats are mysterious and loved in equal measure. But sometimes the greatest blessing of all is a bit of light thrown into a dark place. Mieshelle Nagelschneider holds that light. Allow her to share it with you.”– Gwen Cooper Author, Homer’s Odyssey: A Fearless Feline Tale, of Life With a Blind Wonder Cat (Random House), New York, NY

Veterinarian: “Over the course of many years, Mieshelle has developed and refined her unique ability to think like a cat. On numerous occasions I have witnessed the life-changing benefits Mieshelle’s techniques can bring to cats and their sometimes very frustrated owners.” – Veterinarian, Dr. James R. Shultz DVM, Portland, Oregon

Cat Behavior Veterinarian Referral from Dr. Lisa Berger DVM: “Despite all the disruptions, there have been no incidents of urination on the bed or the couch, and neither have been covered by plastic all week!” – Juanita H. Portland, Oregon

You have the African wildcat, your domestic cat’s ancestor, to thank for many of your cat’s “unwanted” cat behaviors. Learn more about this during your consultation to better understand and help your cat and solve its behavior issues. We often misunderstand cat behaviors. Once cat owners understand their cat instincts and biology, they can better understand why the behavior strategies work so well and can better apply them.

Mieshelle The Cat Whisperer™ has been the spokesperson and cat behavior expert for Comfort Zone, Arm & Hammer Cat Litter, and Cat Expert for Whiska’s International Media Tour Australia. Her cat behavior expertise is seen in the New York Times, The Today Show, NBC Dateline, MTV, Animal Planet, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, The Hallmark Channel, Modern Cat Magazine, Parade, Reader’s Digest, Cat Fancy Magazine, The New York Post, The Boston Globe, USA Today, This Wild Life, The Divine Cat, Real Simple Magazine,, Petside, Freekibblekat, The Toronto Star, Canada Globe and Mail, Animal Rescue Site, The Daily Cat, Feline Wellness Magazine, Advisory Council, This Wild Life, The Cat Channel, Pets Magazine, The Circle, New Republic, The Sunrise Show,, Herald Sun, Toronto Star, and countless others. See our Media Room below for the latest.

Feline behavior therapy is very different from canine behavior therapy and the approach to changing a cat’s behavior is even more unique. Cats do not display obedience problems like dogs. The help you need is not focused on physical or verbal behavior modification strategies, like dog training with a dog trainer present. All cat behaviorists conduct consultations by phone or video via Skype. Our behavior plans are specific to cats and still allow for the natural feline instincts, but when and where you want them displayed. We will cover the behavior plan during the phone or video consultation and offer follow-up over the course of several weeks for all of our consultation programs.

Call The Clinic Today at 503-267-8888